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Australian Native Seeds A-L

Apart from Eucalyptus and Acacia (see my other pages) there is a never ending wealth of Australian native plants that  are well adapted to grow in a Mediterranean climate. Here is a selection of species you can try. Please allow some time before I add descriptions to them, hence do your own online research for selecting these. I have added germination details for your convenience.

Listings in green are new or returning for Winter 25.

Australian Native Seed A-L List

Aciphylla glacialis 4€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Actinotus helianthi   3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination but very lightly cover with soil because light promotes germination.


Agonis flexuosa 3€/20seeds


Allocasuarina humilis    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Allocasuarina inophloia    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Anthocercis littorea    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Archontophoenix cunninghamiana    4€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination but it might take up to 3 months before you see your seeds sprouting.


Atriplex nummularia     3,5€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Baloskion tetraphyllum  3,50€/20seeds


Banksia ashbyi  6€/10seeds


Banksia grandis  6€/10seeds


Banksia marginata   5€/10seeds


Banksia praemorsa (red flowers) 5€/10seeds


Banksia prionotes dwarf form 6€/10seeds


Bauhinia hookeri    6,5€/10seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Beaufortia incana    3,5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Billardiera lehmanniana  3,5€/20seeds


Bonamia erecta  5€/10seeds


Bossiaea aquifolium    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Bossiaea cinerea    5,50€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Bossiaea linophylla    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Brachychiton acerifolius    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Brachychiton australis    3€/10seeds

Soak seeds overnight before sowing.


Brachychiton bidwillii 5€/10seeds.

Either grown as a potted specimen or a garden small tree, this early flowering Brachychiton has rich red flowers on its bare stems in early spring. Frost sensitive. Soak seeds overnight before sowing.


Brachychiton discolor 5€/10seeds

A big upright tree with maple like leathery leaves. In my Mediterranean climate the leaves fall in April, to be followed by flowers in May and June and then it leafs up again. Beautiful trunk as well, as all in the genus. Soak seeds overnight in warm water before sowing.

Brachychiton populneus red form 5€/10seeds

This popular small upright tree looks better when the flowers are of red colour instead of the classic white/light pink and those seeds were collected from a very dark red cultivar so you’ll have better chances of growing one! Soak seeds overnight before sowing.


Brachychiton rupestris    5€/10seeds

Soak seeds overnight before sowing.


Bulbine bulbosa   4€/20seeds


Bulbine glauca   4€/20seeds


Callicoma serratifolia    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Callitris arenaria   4€/20seeds


Callitris oblonga   4€/20seeds


Calothamnus validus  3,5€/20seeds


Calothamnus pinifolius  3,5€/20seeds


Cassia brewsteri    3€/10seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Cassinia aculeata    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Cassinia leptocephala    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Cassinia trinerva    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Celmisia costiniana    5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Chorizema cordatum (prickly)   5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Chorizema cordatum (non prickly cultivated variety)    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Chorizema varium    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Clerodendrum tomentosum    6€/5seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Cochlospermum fraseri  5€/20seeds


Conospermum canaliculatum    7€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Conospermum stoechadis    7€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Conostylis aculeata    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Conostylis candicans    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Conostylis pauciflora    4€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Coronidium monticola    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Craspedia aurantia    4€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Crotalaria cunningamii    6€/20seeds

An Australian shrub, long lived in the right position, with beautiful bunches of green flowers in spring. It like summer dry. Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Daviesia cordata   4,5€/20seeds


Daviesia decurrens    6€/10seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Daviesia divaricata    5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Daviesia horrida   5€/10seeds


Daviesia rhombifolia    5,5€/10seeds   

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Daviesia teretifolia    4€/10seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Daviesia ulicifolia (ulicina)    3,5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Dillwynia cinerascens    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Diplolaena angustifolia    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Diplolaena dampieri    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Dichopogon minus 4€/20seeds

A winter growing rhizomatous perennial with long spikes that carry pendant purple flowers in spring. Goes summer dormant when it will need a dry resting period. No pretreatment required for germination, sown in autumn.

Dichopogon strictus 4€/20seeds

Similar in foliage to the above but with bigger flowers. Both species are worth growing. No pretreatment required for germination, sown in autumn.


Dodonaea falcata    3€/10seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Dodonaea filiformis    3€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before



Dodonaea lobulata    3€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Dodonaea peduncularis    6€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Dodonaea stenozyga    3€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Dodonaea viscosa subsp.cuneata    3€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Dodonaea viscosa ´Purpurea´ 3€/20seeds

A classic Australian shrub that I like for its purple winter color. Easy to grow from seed, soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Doryanthes excelsa    4€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Doryanthes palmeri    4,5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Ehretia acuminata    6€/20seeds  SOLD OUT


Eremaea pauciflora    5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Eremaea purpurea    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for better germination results.


Eremophila cuneifolia    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Eremophila longifolia   5€/10seeds


Erythrina numerosa   5€/10seeds


Erythrina vespertilio    5€/10seeds  SOLD OUT

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Eustrephus latifolius    4€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Exocarpus sparteus   3,5€/20seeds


Ficinia nodosa   5€/20seeds


Gahnia aspera    3€/20seeds

Germination of this species is not easy, but it is well worth trying for its beautiful red seed heads. Try smoke and heat treatment, or scarify seeds by rubbing them onto sandpaper to remove the outer red coat.


Gahnia clarkei    3€/20seeds

This is a diffuciult to germinate too (but i love a challenge!). Try scarifying them and them putting them into boiling water overnight before sowing for best results. Smoke treatment may even further enhance germination.


Gahnia sieberiana    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination. 


Gastrolobium parviflorum    3,5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Gastrolobium parvifolium     3,5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Gastrolobium villosum    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Gompholobium confertum    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Gompholobium foliolosum    4€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Gompholobium scabrum    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Gomphrena canescens    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Goodenia scapigera 3,5€/50seeds


Grevillea candelabroides    4€/10seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Grevillea didymobotrya    6€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Grevillea dryandra   5€/10seeds


Grevillea eriostachya     5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Grevillea excelsior   6€/10seeds


Grevillea leucopteris    6€/10seeds

Scarify seeds before sowing.​


Grevillea paradoxa    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Grevillea petrophiloides   5€/10seeds


Grevillea polybotrya   6€/10seeds


Grevillea pteridifolia    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Grevillea pterosperma   5€/10seeds


Grevillea wickhamii subsp.apricia    4€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Guichenotia macrantha    3,5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Hakea bucculenta    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea corymbosa   5€/10seeds


Hakea cucullata    6€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea francisiana    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea invaginata    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea laurina   6,5€/10seeds


Hakea minyma   6€/10seeds


Hakea multilineata    3,5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea obtusa   5€/10seeds


Hakea orthorrhyncha    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea petiolaris   5€/10seeds


Hakea scoparia    5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea verrucosa    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hakea victoria    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Haloragodendron glandulosum    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Hardenbergia comptoniana    5€/10seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Hardenbergia violacea pink form    €/seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Hemiandra linearis   4,5€/20seeds


Hovea acutifolia    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Hovea elliptica    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Hovea pungens    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Hypocalymma angustifolium    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Indigofera australis    3€/20seeds

Much as I like Asian Indigoferas, they don't really fit our Mediterranean climate. But this Australian cousin does indeed like heat, and will in fact withstand drought once established. Typical pinnate leaves and short spikes of pink flowers in spring, this species will grow as a big bush and produce cloud of pink flowers in time.  Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing. Pretty easy to grow thereafter. 


Indigofera georgei    5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Indigofera monophylla    4€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Isopogon divergens    5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Isopogon dubius    5€/10seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Jacksonia scoparia   4€/20seeds


Jacksonia thesioides    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Johnsonia lupulina    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Kennedia beckxiana 5€/10seeds

A small climbing evergreen from southwestern Australia in the Mediterranean climate part of the country. It can twine onto a support or spred across the ground and the tomato red flowers with a yelow blotch look really beautiful among its trifoliate leaves. Can take drought. Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing. Don't pick your most alkaline spot in the garden as it will turn chlorotic.


Kennedia coccinea 3€/20seeds

Similar to the above but a much bigger plant that can create good groundcover or ramble on neighbouring bushes as it does in its native Australia. The flowers are somewhat smaller but each is coloured orange, yellow and pink in a beautiful combination. Flowers profusely. Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Kennedia nigricans    3,5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Kennedia prostrata 3,5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Kennedia rubicunda 3.5€/10seeds

Similar to the Kennedias above in habit but the flowers are bigger and each one is red with a purple central blotch. Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Kunzea baxteri    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Kunzea clavata    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Kunzea glabrescens (formerly ericifolia)    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Kunzea aff.micrantha compact form  5€/20seeds


Kunzea micromera    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Kunzea pulchella (red flowers)    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Labichea lanceolata var.lanceolata   5€/20seeds


Lawrencia berthae   6€/20seeds


Lechenaultia biloba    3,5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Lechenaultia linarioides    7€/20seeds   SOLD OUT

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Leptosema chambersii    8€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Leucochrysum albicans subsp.alpinum    6€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Linospadix monostachyos    4€/10seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing. It takes about a month to sprout.


Lomandra hystrix    3€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing. It takes about one to two monthsfor germination to occur.


Lomandra longifolia    3€/20seeds

Soak seeds in warm water overnight before sowing. It takes about one to two monthsfor germination to occur.​​

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