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Australian Native Seeds M-Z

Apart from Eucalyptus and Acacia (see my other pages) there is a never ending wealth of Australian native plants that  are well adapted to grow in a Mediterranean climate. Here is a selection of species you can try. Please allow some time before I add descriptions to them, hence do your own online research for selecting these. I have added germination details for your convenience.

Listings in green are new or returning for Winter 25.

Australian Native Seeds M-Z List

Macrozamia communis    6€/3seeds

Fresh seeds of this beautiful Australian cycad are available. Please note that adding one or multiple packets of this to your order will infer an extra 10€ due to their size and differrent package category in the shipping service.


Maireana trichoptera    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Marianthus bicolor (Billardiera)    5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Marianthus erubescens (coastal form)    5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Melaleuca elliptica   3,5€/20seeds


Melaleuca huegelii pink flowers   3,5€/20seeds


Melaleuca hypericifolia    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Melaleuca squarrosa    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Melicope elleryana    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Microcorys lenticularis   3,5€/20seeds


Mirbelia dilatata    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Newcastelia cephalantha   4€/20seeds


Nuytsia floribunda   6€/10seeds


Oreomyrrhis pulvinifica    4€/20seeds

Stratification for a couple of months required for germination


Orthrosanthus multiflorus 4€/20seeds

What a great plant this species is. Grassy looking leathery foliage that looks fresh year-round, but in spring it is totally transformed when the big true-blueflowers appear. It has done well in either summer dry or summer wet growing conditions! And it never requires any maintenance! Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Orthrosanthus polystachyus    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Passiflora herbertiana    5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Pandorea pandorana ‘Golden Showers’ 3€/20seeds.

A Bignoniaceae fast growing climber that is covered in spring with small tubular flowers that are yellow with a pinkish tip. Magnificent when well grown. No pretreatment required for germination.


Patersonia glabrata    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Patersonia lanata    5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Patersonia occidentalis  2nd picture  3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Patersonia sericea    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Ptilotus obovatus    6€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Ptilotus rotundifolius    4€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Pultenaea cinerascens (microphylla var.cinerascens)    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Pycnosorus globosus    4,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Regelia ciliata    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Regelia cymbifolia    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Regelia velutina    4,5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp.rosea    3€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Schoenia cassiniana    4€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Senna (Cassia) artemisioides subsp.artemsioides 3€/20seeds

Well known xeric shrub but I enjoy its airy effect in the dry garden.  In flower for almost 6 months here in my dry garden, from December through May. Then followed by very decorative reddish brown seedpods.  Soak the seeds in warm water for about 48hours before sowing.


Senna  artemisioides subsp.helmsii    4,5€/20seeds

Soak the seeds in warm water for about 48hours before sowing.


Senna artemisioides subsp.coriacea    3€/20seeds

Soak the seeds in warm water for about 48hours before sowing.


Senna artemisioides subsp.oligophylla    5€/20seeds

Soak the seeds in warm water for about 48hours before sowing.


Senna artemisioides subsp.quadrifolia    3€/20seeds

Soak the seeds in warm water for about 48hours before sowing.


Senna artemisioides subsp.sturtii    3€/20seeds

A favorite of mine, this has intensely silver leaves and a generally smaller stature than the above. While travelling in Western Australia this really stands out shining under the hard sun. Soak the seeds in near boiling water for 48 hours before sowing.


Senna (Cassia) covesii 3.5€/20seeds

An attractive heat and drought tolerant small shrub from the Sonoran and Mojave deserts, responding to seasonal water in winter or summer to flower, this a generally much 'leafier' Senna compared to other desert species.  Soak the seeds in near boiling water for 24 hours before sowing.


Senna glutinosa subsp.ferraria     3€/20seeds

Soak the seeds in warm water for about 24 hours before sowing.


Senna (Cassia) nemophila 4€/20seeds  

Generally similar to Senna artemisioides, this Australian species is equally outstanding for its drought tolerant ability, airy appeareance and heavy aromatic flowering in winter and spring. Soak the seeds in near boiling water for 24 hours before sowing.


Senna (Cassia) phyllodinea 4€/20seeds

Another Australian species, similar to those above but this has a generally greyier look due to its elongated grey leaves. Beautiful and tough. Soak the seeds in near boiling water for 24 hours before sowing.


Seringia collina    3,5€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Sesbania formosa    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Solanum lasiophyllum    4€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Solanum orbiculatum    4€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Sophora tomentosa 4€/10seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Sphaerolobium grandiflorum    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Stenocarpus sinuatus   5€/10seeds


Stylidium graminifolium    3€/20seeds

Use smoke treatment for best germination results.


Stypandra glauca   5€/20seeds


Swainsona formosa    4,5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Swainsona galegifolia    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Swainsonia stipularis    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Templetonia retusa    3,5€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Thysanotus patersonii   5€/20seeds


Toechima pterocarpum    7€/5seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Trachymene coerulea    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Trichodesma zeylanicum 4€/10seeds

An upright woody perennial from the deserts of Western Australia. Like a huge Anchusa with oversized azure blue flowers. Extraordinary! No pretreatment required for germination.


Verticordia grandis  5€/10seeds


Viminaria juncea    3€/20seeds

Scarify seeds or soak them in warm water overnight before sowing.


Xanthorrhoea australis    3€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea caespitosa    3€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea glauca    5,5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea johnsonii    5,5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea latifolia    4,5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea pressii    3€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata    3,5€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea resinosa    3,5€/20seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.


Xanthorrhoea semiplana subsp.tateana    3€/10seeds

No pretreatment required for germination.



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