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Eucalyptus Seeds (and related genera)

The eucalypts of Australia is a big genus with hundreds of beautiful species that we owed to use more in our Mediterranean horticulture. This year I'm offering a good selection of them. It's easier to grow a eucalypt from seeds than what you thought. In contrast to other Australian genera, the majority of eucalypts do not require smoke treatment to germinate and will grow easy and fast from a spring sowing. All of the species I list here germinate fast without any pretreatment required, unless otherwise noted. Do your own research of what species suits you best, but in my opinion all in my list are beautiful small or bigger trees that will suit the dry Mediterranean garden.

Listings in green are new or returning for Winter 25.

Eucalyptus Seed List

Angophora costata 3.50€/20seeds


Corymbia ficifolia    4€/20seeds


Corymbia ptychocarpa    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus albida    3,5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus albopurpurea (lansdowneana ssp.)    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus caesia subsp.magna    3€/20seeds

A beautiful mallee from western Australia. Mature trees are small in size but the weeping effect of their branches, clothed with silver leaves and big pink flowers make it an exceptional conversation piece in the dry garden. Eucalypts are easy from seed. I prefer to sow them in early spring and they should be surface sown because their seeds are usually tiny.


Eucalyptus campaspe    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus carnei    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus cernua ('nutans')    3,5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus cladocalyx nana    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus coccifera    5€/20seeds

Cold stratify for 2 months for best germination results.


Eucalyptus dolichorhyncha (forrestiana sp.)    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus eremophila    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus erythrocorys    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus erythronema var.marignata    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus forrestiana    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus kinsmilii subsp.alatissima (pink/red)    4€/20seeds


Eucalyptus kruseana   4€/20seeds


Eucalyptus lehmannii subsp.paralella    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp.lissophloia    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus macrocarpa subsp.macrocarpa    6€/20seeds  SOLD OUT


Eucalyptus nutans (red fls)    3,5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus orbifolia    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus pimpiniana    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus platypus subsp.congregata    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus pleurocarpa (tetragona silver)    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus preissiana    4€/20seeds

A shrubby eucalypt from southwestern Australia that has beautiful leaves but it is the flowers that make it look exceptional. Big yellow flowers in late winter and early spring.


Eucalyptus pulverulenta    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus pyriformis   4€/20seeds


Eucalyptus ravida (salubris var.glauca)    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus rhodantha    4,5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus salmonophloia    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'rosea'    3,5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus stoatei    4€/20seeds


Eucalyptus stricklandii    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus synandra    3,5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus tenera    3,5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus tetraptera    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus torquata    5€/20seeds


Eucalyptus woodwardii    3€/20seeds


Eucalyptus youngiana    4,5€/20seeds


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