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Callirhoe involucrata

General Seeds C

This is my main seed list with perennials, shrubs, trees and annuals. Scroll through the list and also see the General Galleries for pictures.

Listings in green are new or returning for Winter 2025.

Dianthus var. Purple on Purple
Cerinthe major var. purpurascens
Delphinium staphysagria
Campanula pelviformis

General Seed List C

Caesalpinia cacalaco   6€/10seeds


Caesalpinia giliesii    4,5€/10seeds

An upright shrub from Argentina that has adapted well to the Mediterranean climate. Feathery leaves and peculiar yellow flowers with red stamens in terminal spikes during summer. Needs some summer water to perform well. Soak the seeds overnight in warm water before sowing.


Caesalpinia mexicana 4€/10seeds

The Mexican bird of paradise bush, is a fast growing big shrub or small tree than in summer and autumn produces racemes of beautiful yellow orchid like flowers. Give it heat and warmth as it resends low temperatures and protect from frost when needed. Once established it can withstand drought. Soak the seeds in luke warm water overnight before sowing. 


Caesalpinia pulcherrima 4€/10seeds 

Similar to the above but smaller in stature (still quite a big shrub). The flamboyant flowers are red and yellow and are produced in the summer. Although this plant is grown throughout the tropics, I am hoping that this Arizona collected seeds will produce plants that are a big more cold tolerant compared to what you usually find in the commerce. My crop is ready to face its first winter! Soak the seeds in luke warm water overnight before sowing. 


Calandrinia grandiflora   4€/20seeds


Calliandra californica    5€/10seeds

Practically everblooming, especially if it gets additional, occasional watering during summer. It doesn't mind some frost and can be very drought tolerantan if needed. Soak the seeds in luke warm water overnight before sowing.


Calliandra eriophylla 5€/10seeds  

A beautiful small shrub from southern California to Texas and north Mexico. When it flowers in spring after winter rains or summer after the monsoons it's readlly adorable. Numerous pom pom like flowers adorn all of its branches, usually before most of its leaves unfold. Heat and drought tolerant once established. Soak the seeds in luke warm water overnight before sowing. 


Calligonum comosum   6€/5seeds​


Callirhoe digitata 4€/20seeds  

Much different than your common winecups (C.involucrata), this species is very upright stemmed, with well branched stems and few leaves at the base, creating a succession of bright pink flowers over late spring and summer.

Callirhoe involucrata 4€/20seeds

I wouldn’t garden without this free flowering perennial again. Mallow like leaves in clump from which radiate branching stems that guide themselves between other plants or stand free and produce a multitude of magenta flowers over a long time. Takes water or drought easily.

Calylophus hartwegii 4€/20seeds

One of the few plants that stay in flower all summer long despite not receiving a drop of water in my dry garden. Cut it back to the ground in winter.


Campanula aizoon  3.5€/30seeds

A peculiar monocarpic Campanula for the crevice or rock garden. A slowly developing rosette of leaves transforms into a small pyramid of blue flowers in the summer. Germinates easily but requires careful handling when transplanting. Give it very sharp drainage. Very hardy.

Campanula andrewsii 4€/30seeds

A typical crevice biennial Campanula that creates a rosette of grey leaves the first year and then radiating stems with big purple flowers the next one. Make sure it stays dry in the summer.

Campanula argaea 5€/30seeds

An upright species from Turkey, like a miniature version of Canterbury bells. 

Campanula celsii 4€/30seeds

A monocarpic perenial, usually flowering in its second year. Grey rosettes of leaves give way to ground hugging stems with hundreds of big blue upright flowers. If you have a old wall plant the seeds directly into the crevices where it likes to live.


Campanula cretica 5€/30seeds 

syn.Symphyandra cretica

Quite differrent from the rest of the Greek Campanulas, this grows in shady canyons and forested banks in its native Crete and flowers in summer with upright stems carrying a series of big dangling purple bells. Regular garden conditions and some protection from strong summer sun, at least in Mediterranean climates would be ideal. Surfuce sow in spring or autumn as the seeds are tiny, similarly to the rest of the genus.

Campanula formanekiana 5€/30seeds

If you can’t grow C.incurva due to a colder climate, then this species is almost the same with equally big flowers but takes more cold winter weather. Good drainage is essential.

Campanula incurva 4€/30seeds

A biennial or short-lived perennial campanula from central Greece, this is one of the few plants that you can grow in dry Mediterranean shade and will survive without any summer water. Or just grow it in a big rock garden as it requires good drainage. It produces some of the biggest campanula flowers in the genus.

Campanula lingulata 4€/30seeds

Green hairy leaves and upright stems that terminate in purple flowers. Easy and takes all kinds of weather.


Campanula lyrata 4€/30seeds.

A biennial or short-lived perennial species from the Aegean and Turkey, this is a more natural looking alternative to the familiar Campanula medium. It is perfectly suited for a drought tolerant garden, able to go completely dormant underground during the hot summer months.


Campanula pelviformis 4€/30seeds

This great beauty from Crete is a biennial (or monocarpic perennial if you are in a very dry climate). Big rounded blue bells top 1m tall stems over a long time in late spring. 

Campanula versicolor 5€/30seeds

You definitely need a well-drained to grow this beauty but the 2ft long flower stems with their big flowers are worth the effort. Can take summer drought but does better with some summer watering.


Campylanthus salsaliodes   5€/20seeds


Canarina canariensis  4€/30seeds


Canotia holacantha   4.50€/20seeds


Capparis aphylla   6€/5seeds


Capparis sicula   3.50€/20seeds

Cardopatium corymbosum 4€/10seeds

If you are a lover of spiny things, then this one is for you. A biennial thistle relative with

purple flowers arranged in a flat inflorescence in its second year.


Carex muskingumensis   3€/20seeds


Carmichaelia stevensonii  5€/20seeds 

I am a sucker for leafless brooms and this particular one is one of the best. Similar to our Mediterranean Retamas, this species has similarly weeping foliage that is covered with sweetly scented purple flowers in spring. Gradually develops into a big bush and you clean its lower branches to enhance the weeping effect. Sow in autumn as it requires the winter temperatures to germinate. Scarify the seeds or use hot water treatment before sowing for best results.


Carmichaelia williamsii 5€/20seeds

A much more peculiar New Zealand broom, this has flattened stems, a more erratic growth form, and beautiful big, orchid like flowers that are cream with a splash of purple. Sow in autumn as it requires the winter temperatures to germinate. Scarify the seeds or use hot water treatment before sowing for best results.


Ceanothus arboreus   3.50€/20seeds


Ceanothus cordulatus   5€/20seeds


Ceanothus cuneatus   4€/20seeds


Ceanothus greggii   4€/10seeds


Ceanothus leucodermis   4€/20seeds


Ceanothus oliganthus  5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT


Celtis ehrenbergiana 6€/10 seeds    

You wouldn't call this hackberry a masterpiece but it is a very tough small tree for a hot area, withstanding drought as no other. This was collected in west Texas. The olive green leaves give it an appearance similar to an olive tree and the orange berries are much loved by birds. Seeds need cold stratification to germinate. 


Celtis pallida   6€/10seeds

Centaurea alba 5€/20seeds

Upright stems that can reach almost 2m when well grown will be covered with pink flowers with very decorative white bracts. Short lived perennial.

Centaurea bella 5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

It forms a mat of feathery grey foliage and has solitary pink flowers on 30cm stems. It takes summer drought but don’t overdo it or it can prove lethal.

Centaurea clementei 5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

There´s lots of good looking Centaureas out there, but this xeric species with its big grey leaves and fat soft yellow flowers stands out.

Centaurea cuneifolia 5€/20seeds

I love this reseeding short-lived species for they grey foliaged winter rosettes and tall branched stems of pink flowers. My favorite ‘pest’ in the dry garden. 

Centaurea grbavacensis 5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

A rather sophisticated Centaurea with low green feathery foliage and big flowers with black bracts and burgundy florets. Can be short lived, especially without good drainage.

Centaurea lactucifolia 5€/10seeds

One of the biggest Centaurea species, this one looks like a giant lettuce for a couple of years (as the name implies) but then forms a big branchedstems with oversized white and yellow flowers. The giant Ferula of Centaureas!

Centaurea redempta 5€/20seeds

Short lived species (usually biennial) with big, imposing burgundy flower heads at the end of the stems. A favorite.


Centaurea redepta subsp.cytherea   4€/20seeds


Centaurea spinosa 6€/20seeds  

The perfect spiny mound for your dry garden, this grey coloured shrub looks perfect and adds form to any Mediterranean planting. Easy from seed and grows fast, but it takes an effort to collect and clean them. 


Centaurea thracica    3€/10seeds

A slowly clumping perennial endemic to the Balkans, producing whorls of leaves and upright stems of big yellow inflorescences during summer that are very attractive to bees. Very hardy and needing additional summer irrigation to perform well. Germinates easy in spring.


Centaurothamnus maximus 5€/20seeds

A real rarity from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, this heat loving shrub has big silver leaves and pink Centaurea like flowers on steroids. Grows slowly. Very drought tolerant. Sow in autumn or spring and it will germinate fast.


Centranthus longiflorus   4€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

Centranthus ruber ‘Coccineus’ 3.50€/20seeds

A robust variety with more reddish pink flowers than the commonly seen pink variety. Very easy from seed (and very easy to reseed in your garden).

Centranthus ruber var. sibthorpii 3.50€/20seeds

A pink version of the classic red valerian and my favorite as it is a more refined plant compared to other lusher, bigger leaved selected varieties. No summer water keeps it alive and happy over many years. And more compact!

Cephalaria ambrosioides 3.50€/20seeds

A very architectural plant with basal dissected leaves and stems that can reach 3m in cultivation topped by light yellow Scabiosa like (but rounded) flowers. 

Cerastium candidissimum 3.5€/20seeds

I much prefer this mountain species to typical snow-in-the-summer, for its very grey foliage. It takes drought well.

Ceratotheca triloba 3.50€/20seeds

A relative of Sesame, that you can actually use as a summer flowering foxglove. Needs summer water.


Cercis canadensis subsp.mexicana   4€/10seeds


Cercis canadensis subsp.texensis   4€/10seeds


Cercis occidentalis    3.50€/20seeds


Cercis siliquastrum   3€/20seeds


Cercis siliquastrum 'Alba'   4€/20seeds


Cercidium floridum 4€/10seeds

I can't think of a desert garden without a palo verde, and I have broaden that to Mediterranean gardens as well. All palo verde species are valuable for their beautiful green branches and trunks, perfect shade for growing smaller shrubs underneath, amazing yellow flowers in late spring, what else can you ask! They can be slow growing or fast growing depending on water availability, but you are basically safe without watering them ever in a Mediterranean climate. Some people tend to dislike them for the thorns, but when did you last hugged a tree canopy? Soak the seeds in near boiling water overnight for even germination.


Cercidium microphyllum 4€/10seeds

Much similar to the above (but you can tell them apart from their leaves) and equally beautiful. Soak the seeds in near boiling water overnight for even germination.


Cercidium praecox 4.5€/10seeds SOLD OUT

Probably my favorite of the Cercidiums, for its amazing green trunk, this species is widespread from the Sonoran desert down to Argentina. Soak the seeds overnight in warm water before sowing.


Cercocarpus ledifolius  4.50€/20seeds

The curl leaf mountain mahogany is a western USA slow growing shrub that eventually reaches a small tree size.  Prized for its evergreen foliage and drought tolerance, an adult plant is a fascinating, prized specimen.  Cold stratify for germination.


Cercocarpus montanus 4.50€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

The Alderleaf mountain majogany is similar to the above but has beautiful green leaves with silver undersides. The incospicuous flowers develop into beautiful feathery fruit that give this small tree another season of interest.  Cold stratify for germination.

Cerinthe major var. purpurascens 3€/30seeds

Classic Cerinthe variety with purple bracts surrounding the purple flowers. Very fashionable and very easy to grow as a winter annual. In fact, this and all Cerinthes will self-sow in your garden easily.

Cerinthe minor 4€/20seeds

Not the most exciting in flower, but the foliage of this biennial Cerinthe is outstanding and resembles a good form of Pulmonaria!


Chamaecytisus eriocarpus 3.50€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

A Balkan endemic, this silver leaved broom has yellow flowers in spring. Form a nice rounded shrub.


Chamaerops humilis var. Cerifera (grey/blue)   5€/10seeds 


Chambeyronia balansae    10€/3seeds

A tropical palm from New Caledonia, great as an indoor plant or outside in a tropical climate. The new red fronds are to die for!


Chasmanthium latifolium 3€/30seeds

An easy filler grass for a watered garden, this clumbing species is mostly attractive when the drooping seedheads are produces in summer and stay attractive till winter.

Cheirolophus burchardii 4€/20seeds

A bigger shrub from the Canary Islands, it can be described like an Argyranthemum with thistle like flowers on long stems. Grow is as you would your Madeiran Echiums. They also take some dry shade with no problems. No pretreatment needed.


Cheirolophus canariensis 4€/20seeds

Similar to the above but with very finely dissected leaves and eventually forming a much bigger shrub. Takes cutting back whenever it is overgrown easily. No pretreatment needed.


Cheirolophus puntallanensis 4€/20seeds

The smaller of the species I grow (still a medium sized shrub) with entire leaves and pink flowers.  No pretreatment needed.


Chionanthus retusus    6€/10seeds

I consider the Chinese fringe tree one of the most attractive small white flowering trees there is, hence I'm offering it here. Greatly adapted to the Mediterranean garden, it needs summer watering to adapta, but will be drought tolerant in the long term. Needs cold stratification for 2-3 months and light to enhance germination.


Chilopsis linearis   3€/20seeds


Chorizanthe douglasii   5€/20seeds


Chorizanthe membranacea  5€/20seeds


Chorizanthe staticoides  5€/20seeds


Chorizanthe ventricosa  5€/20seeds

Chrysactinia mexicana 4€/20seeds

Perfect for the Mediterranean summer dry garden, this small mound of dark green foliage is covered in small yellow flowers in spring, and again in autumn with the first rains. 


Chrysothamnus (Ericameria) nauseosus 4€/20seeds

A grey leaved shrub from western USA, I find this very valueable in the dry garden due to its late summer and autumn flowering, something that you rarely get with Mediterranean native species. The shole plant is covered with yellow blooms. It survives without summer water and flowers profusely. Not pretreatment needed, sow in early spring. 


Chrysothamnus (Ericameria) vaseyi  3€/20seeds

Similar to the above but with greener foliage instead of grey. Similarly easy to grow. Not pretreatment needed, sow in early spring. 


Chrysothamnus (Ericameria) viscidiflorus  3€/20seeds

The sticky leaf rabbibush, or yellow rabbibush, is another great shrub from the same areas but has an earlier flowering, starting from early summer usually. All three of them are valuable for providing food to bees at a period when little else is in flower. Not pretreatment needed, sow in early spring. 


Cirsium occidentale  3.5€/10seeds

We have some pretty cool Cirsium in the Mediterranean but this species from California is truly an architectural beauty, looking great both in its silver leaf rosette phase but also when the stem elongates and branches to produce pinkish red flowerheads covered in dense white wool. Very easy from seed, germinates fast in autumn.

Cistus creticus 3.5€/20seeds

A classic Mediterranean species, forming rounded mounds of apple green foliage that have a long succession of purple flowers in spring through early summer.Very drought tolerant. Remember that most Mediterranean Cistus species are easier germinated when baked in the oven for a few minutes, as they would burn in a wildfire that triggers their germination. 

Cistus creticus ‘Albus’ 3.5€/20seeds   SOLD OUT

Similar to the above, but with white flowers (or some interesting forms if it has crossed with the purple species) Remember that most Mediterranean Cistus species are easier germinated when baked in the oven for a few minutes, as they would burn in a wildfire that triggers their germination. 

Cistus monspeliensis 3.50€/30seeds

A medium size shrub with myriads of small white flowers and very sticky leaves that can capture all the unwanted insects in your garden (or visitors if you place it near a path!) Remember that most Mediterranean Cistus species are easier germinated when baked in the oven for a few minutes, as they would burn in a wildfire that triggers their germination. 

Cistus parviflorus 4€/20seeds

A Mediterranean species with small silver green leaves and baby pink flowers, smaller in size than C.creticus but in great abundance. Loves chalky soils and requires no summer watering. Remember that most Mediterranean Cistus species are easier germinated when baked in the oven for a few minutes, as they would burn in a wildfire that triggers their germination. 

Cistus salviifolius 4€/20seeds

Another rock rose, this time in a smaller plant (at least in height) with dark green leaves and relatively big white flowers. It will do well even in part shade, as it flowers profusely in pink forest openings in nature. Full sun will do it too. No summer water needed, unless you have to occasionally. Remember that most Mediterranean Cistus species are easier germinated when baked in the oven for a few minutes, as they would burn in a wildfire that triggers their germination. 


Clarkia  -  A big western USA genus, highly represented in California, with winter growing annuals that explode in a profusion of flowers in spring in shades of pink and purple. Each one is differrent, especially when you look at their individual flowers and all the following species are worth growing. Preferably sow in situ in autumn, to produce big and colourful spring plants.

C.biloba   4€/20seeds

C.bottae   3.5€/20seeds

C.rubicunda   4€/20seeds

C.speciosa   4€/20seeds

C.tenella   3.5€/20seeds

C.williamsonii   4€/20seeds


Clematis cirrhosa white form   4€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

The classing Mediterranean Clematis, this form has pure white flowers in late winter and spring. Very fast growing, drought tolerant and evergreen, although it tends to go brown-leaved in the summer in a summerdry, hot garden if unwatered. 


Clematis hirsutissima 4€/20seeds

Not a climbing, but a herbaceous perennial Clematis with upright stems topped with cute purple flowers. Takes some drought but is not entirely drought tolerant. Great in gravel.


Clematis paniculata   5€/20seeds


Cleome lutea   4,5€/20seeds


Cleome serrulata   3€/20seeds


Clianthus puniceus var.albus  5€/20seeds


Clianthus puniceus var.rosea   5€/20seeds


Carex muskingumensis   3€/20seeds

Clinopodium vulgare 3€/20seeds

A common European herb, I like this for the leaf scent so put it a place where you accidentally step on it as you pass by.


Clivia miniata orange form 3€/5seeds  SOLD OUT

The unmistakeable and unrivable indoor or outdoor plant for indoors or outdoors in the Mediterranean, as long as it receives NO direct sun. Easy to germinated and will flower in its 3rd year from sowing. Please note that adding any Clivia seeds in your seed order will infer an extra 10€ as then your order needs to be sent in a box instead of an envelope due to their size.


Clivia miniata yellow form 4€/5seeds  SOLD OUT

As above but with yellow flowers. Easy to germinated and will flower in its 3rd year from sowing. Please note that adding any Clivia seeds in your seed order will infer an extra 10€ as then your order needs to be sent in a box instead of an envelope due to their size.

Cneorum tricoccon 5€/20seeds

Few Mediterranean shrubs are so perfect as C.tricoccon. Green leathery foliage in a naturally very round small shrub, small yellow flowers and spring which are followed by red three-seeded (tricoccon) fruits in summer. No summer dry garden should be without it. Seeds germinate in either the first or second year from sowing so be patient.


Coleogyne ramosissima   5€/20seeds


Collinsia heterophylla   4€/30seeds

One of my favorite Calirofnia native annuals, the Chinese hats is a wintergrowing annual species, that is covered with purple and white bloom in spring. Better sown in situ in autumn to achieve best results.

Collomia grandiflora 3.5€/20seeds

An easy winter growing annual from America, it forms early rosettes of green leaves in winter that in spring explode in height and terminate in peach-coloredbunches of flowers. Reseeds freely, especially in gravel.


Colvillea racemosa    5€/10seeds

One of the most impressive tropical or sermi-tropical trees that can do well in the most protected frost frees areas of the Mediterranean. Germinates and grows fast, but either scarify or put seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.


Condalia microphylla   4€/10seeds

Conoclinium greggii 4€/20seeds

I am always on the lookout for summer flowering plants for the summer dry garden and this is definitely one of them. Feathery green leaves and a mildly running habit are topped in summer and autumn with Ageratum purple flowers. All it asks is a monthly summer watering and it will perform great.


Convolvulus dorycnium 5€/20seeds   SOLD OUT

A mature plant of this species is a sight to behold. It forms an airy leafless shrub that is covered in pink flowers every morning before they disappear in the heat of the day. Takes patience but is worth the effort.

Convolvulus oleifolius 4€/20seeds

Similar to the commonly used C.cneorum but with a more upright growth and flowers that range from white to pink. The silver leaves shine under sun and the plant can take summer drought easily.


Coprosma depressa 4€/20seeds   

While visiting New Zealand I feel in love with the variety and looks of the divaricating shrubs in all their earthy brown forms and green forms and Coprosma is the most representative genus in this group of plants. So here's a  small selection for you to try. Coprosma depressa is a prostrate shrub, less than 30cm in height from montane areas suitable for well drained situations. It will produce red berries at the end of summer and autumn. They germinate easily, but a month of stratification will aid a more even germination. 


Coprosma dumosa 4€/20seeds   

An upright divaricate shrub that in time will reach a few meters in height when grown well. This one is suitable for wetter soils and can take colder temperatures. It will produce red berries in autumn. They germinate easily, but a month of stratification will aid a more even germination. 


Coprosma parviflora 4€/20seeds   

Similar to the above but can handle a more varied range of climates A big shrub with few small green leaves and an airy feel. Red berries in autumn. They germinate easily, but a month of stratification will aid a more even germination. 


Coprosma propingua  4€/20seeds   

One of my favorite species.  This is a small shrub that has thicker branches and a genereal upright form. The berries in autumn change from white to purple/blue. A tough plant suitable to many garden situations. They germinate easily, but a month of stratification will aid a more even germination. 


Coprosma rhamnoides 4€/20seeds   

Probably the easiest to grow from the species offered here, this divaricating shrub has small green leaves but it's the twigs of a reddish brown colour that give it the great looks. Berries produced in autumn and change from red to black as they ripen. They germinate easily, but a month of stratification will aid a more even germination. 


Coprosma rugosa 4€/20seeds   SOLD OUT

Similar to the above but smaller in stature, but with brown/orange twigs that give it a general orange look. The berries are blue and tiny. They germinate easily, but a month of stratification will aid a more even germination. 


Coreopsis gigantea 4€/20seeds  

syn.Leptosyne gigantea

Although not difficult to grow, you'll have to master its watering needs in order to grow it to a beautiful specimen. No frost in winter and a dry summer rest when it will go deciduous are needed. I would avoid an overly exposed sunny spot in a warm Mediterranean garden and would give it some shade to go through its dormant summer period, as it is a coastal species in California so it has the summer protection of fog there. It will reward you with its fine filigree foliage and giant yellow flowers from the second or third years of its life. Germinates easily in autumn and grows fast. Do not overwater!

Correa alba 4€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

One of the most tough small Mediterranean climate shrubs (native to Australia) you can grow and one that looks great year-round. Dark green evergreen leathery leaves which are adorned from mid-autumn to spring with white long tubed flowers.


Crithmum maritimum  3€/20seeds

Grow it for its beauty in the dry garden of grow it to pickle the leaves and flowers to accompany your salads and food. An overall useful plant.


Crocanthemum scoparium   4€/20seeds

Crupina crupinastrum 3.5€/10seeds

I love this native winter growing Centaurea like annual. 
From a winter rosette of green leaves rise multibranched stems that are covered with purple flowers and are followed by attractive black seeds. It will self-seed easily. Disappears by midsummer in a Mediterranean climate.


Cussonia spicata    4,5€/10seeds

A very architectural small tree in the Araliaceae from South Africa that can grow fast once established. Best without frost although it will take a few frosty nights. Easy to germinate.

Cynoglossum creticum 3.50€/10seeds

A Boraginaceae member with bas felty leaves and give rise to 1m tall stems with dropping blue/purple flowers. 



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