General Seed List D
​Dalea bicolor var.argyraea 4€/20seeds
Dalea fremontii 4€/10seeds
Dalea pulchra 5€/20seeds
Dalea purpurea 3€/30seeds
Dalea villosa 4.50€/20seeds​
Deinandra fasciculata 4€/20seeds
Delonix regia 5€/10seeds
The Flamboyant tree, is one of the most impressive flowering trees out there, sometimes totally covered in red flowers in the right climate. It will do well in frost free areas of the Mediterranean with summer watering. Scarify or put seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.
Delphinium cardinale 4€/20seeds
Delphinium gypsophilum 4.50€/20seeds
Delphinium parishii 4.50€/20seeds
Delphinium parryi subsp.purpureum 4.50€/20seeds
Delphinium peregrinum 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A small winter growing annual species with long spurred purple flowers in late spring and early summer.
Delphinium staphysagria 3€/20seeds
An annual delphinium that suits a Mediterranean garden as it is a winter annual flowering in late spring. Self-sows abundantly but it is easy to control if you remove the spent flower stems or the big seedlings.
Delphinium uliginosum 4.50€/20seeds
Delphinium variegatum 4.50€/20seeds
Dianthus arenarius subsp. bohemicus 4€/20seeds
Small tufts of tight green foliage and an abundance of white feathered flowers for a long time in spring and summer. Easy in a gravel or rock garden.
Dianthus crinitus mixed white and pink forms 4€/20seeds
One of my favorite small clumpforming Dianthus, this beauty from the Aegean and Turkey, creates small mounds of grey leaves and many short stems that end in big, feathery white flowers. Very little summer water will keep it alive for many years.
Dianthus giganteus 3€/30seeds.
From a small tuft of leaves rise tall upright stems with magenta flower on top. Excellent filler in the garden.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus Manos Magenta 3.5€/20seeds
This species is one of the best for Mediterranean climates, as it produces its big batch of flowers in spring but then continues to produces some flowers over summer. I call it Manos Magenta from my friend Manos who brought me this form and for its big bright magenta flowers.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus Pink Cloud 3.5€/20seeds
With grey, mat forming foliage and light pink flowers that completely cover the plant in spring. Good drainage and limited summer water will lengthen the life of these pinks.
Dianthus gratianopolitanus Red Eye 3€/20seeds
Similar to the above but the big pink leaves what a distinctive red eye in the center. Hopefully the pattern will repeat itself in the seed generation or you might get some interesting hybrids.
Dianthus longicalyx (syn. D.taiwanensis) 3.50€/20seeds
This one needs a bit of extra water but forms a great ground covering pink for a sunny or semi shady situation. Feathery petals that beg for attention.
Dianthus ‘Old Square Eyes’ 3.50€/20seeds SOLD OUT
I love this old-fashioned pink with big single flowers and a big red square eye in the center and I’m curious what will come out of those seed. At least something worthwhile whether they come true or if they have crossed with smaller species.
Dianthus pyrenaicus 3.5€/20seeds
Rounded clumps of green leaves and short stems of light pink and white flowers. Haven’t grow it for long, but it looks as yet another Mediterranean star Dianthus.
Dianthus serratifolius 3.50€/20seeds
An endemic to central Greece, this should be an excellent rock garden plant.
Dianthus spiculifolius 3.5€/20seeds
Yet another clump forming species with upright short stems that end up in laced white flowers with a contrasting pink center.
Dianthus squarrhosus 3.5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Similar to the above but with pure white and more fringed flowers.
Dianthus sp. Tiny Pink 3€/20seeds
A very compact sp. with foliage only 2-3cms high and solitary flowers on 10cm stems. Perfect for gravel or rock gardens and takes summer drought without problems.
Dianthus sp. Pom Pom 3€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Small button like double flowes with 1cm diameter over big mats of grey foliage. Too cute.
Dianthus sp. Purple on Purple 3€/20seeds
I call it Purple on Purple because of its two zoned purple flowers with a darker center. A compacta variety great in gravel.
Dianthus xylorrhizus 4€/20seeds
Dietes bicolor 3€/10seeds
The fortnight lily, is an Iris relative from South Africa that can produces clumps of grass like foliage and yellow flowers with black spots throughout spring and summer. Easy to grow and forgiving to any soil or situation, but extreme frost.
Dietes grandiflora 3€/10seeds
Similar to the above but with white flowers with purple and orange markings.
Dietes iridoides 3€/10seeds
Very similar to D.grandiflora but with smaller flowers. All Dietes are well worth growing for hot positions.
Dictamnus albus ‘Albiflorus’ 4€/20seeds
The white version of the well-known burning bush, these will usually flower within 2-4 years from sowing. Great foliar fragrance.
Digitalis cariensis 4€/30seeds
A rare foxglove from the island of Ikaria, this is a small species with multiple stems around 40cms long and yellow/brown flowers. Good for sun or shade.
Digitalis ferruginea 3.5€/30seeds
A beautiful sight in early summer when this biennial or shortlived perennial goes into flower with a big spike of orange brown flowers.
Digitalis laevigata 3.5€/30seeds
Somewhat similar to the above with more orange flowers.
Digitalis lanata 3.5€/30seeds
Again, similar to the above but with a bigger white lip on each flower. Is there really a digitalis not worth growing? I doubt it.
Digitalis lutea 3€/30seeds
A relatively small foxglove with yellow flowers. It will self-seeds easily in your garden.
Digitalis thapsi 4€/30seeds
I’ve grown many foxgloves wrongly called D.thapsi over the years, but I have finally manage to acquire the true species. This Spanish gem, creates mat forming foliage in clumps and beautiful short stems of pink flowers. Very drought tolerant.
Diplacus aurantiacus 4€/20seeds
The Californian shrubby Minulus, now placed in the genus Diplacus, are all worthwile dry garden subjects for dry shade in our Mediterranean climate. They are difficult to survive with our heat in full sun, but the are perfectly adapted in shade and can go through the whole summer without a drop of water. The hard part, is keeping them alive in pots in the summer, they tend to die when watered and exposed to much heat. Sow them in fall, by sprinkling the seeds onto your soil mix. This species has peach yellow flowers with white markings.
Diplacus aurantiacus var.grandiflorus 4€/20seeds
Diplacus puniceus 4€/20seeds
Similar to the one above in most aspects but his species has small leaves and red flowers
Dodecatheon clevelandii subsp.patulum 5€/20seeds
Dorycnium hirsutum 'Frejorgues' 3.5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
One of the finest plants, in my opinion, for a dry summer
garden. The velvety grey foliage looks excellent all year round, even in the driest of summers and is adorned with white flowers in spring that are followed by decorative brown seed pods in summer. There’s always something interesting to look at on this small shrub.
Dorycnium pentaphyllum 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A very finly leaved shrub, that can grow up to 1m high and wide in time. It stays attractive all year long due to its grey wiry stems and looks like a white cloud in spring when its small white flowers are produced.
Draba lasiocarpa 4€/20seeds
Only suitable for a sharply drained crevice garden, this is a small Draba species with yellow flowers very early in spring.
Dracaeana draco 3€/10seeds
Very easy and fast to germinate from seed, although it does require patience to reach a decent size, the Canary Island dragon tree or Drago will do well in the Mediterranean in the warmest reas with very mninor or no frosts. Best with some summer water.
Dracocephalum moldavicum 3.20€/20seeds
An easy annual Dracocephalum with blue flowers during spring and early summer.
Dracocephalum renati 3.30€/20seeds
A small perennial with white flowers all summer long.
Dracocephalum ruyschianum 3€/20seeds
Hyssop like foliage and lots of big azure blue flowers.
Dracocephalum wendelboi 3.50€/20seeds SOLD OUT
I love this big flowered species in rounded spikes with rounded leaves on red petioles.
Dracontomelon dao 10€/3seeds*
Drypis spinosa 5€/20seeds
This small shrublet from high elevations in its natural habitat covers itself with white flowers in late spring. Lethally spiny.
Dyckia fosteriana 4€/20seeds
A silver leaved species from Brazil. As all Dyckias, it makes a great pot specimen in a Mediterranean climate, and it will take some frosty nights or long periods of no watering.
Surface sow and don't overwater the young seedlings.
Dyckia green leaved varieties 3€/20seeds
From my collection green/grey leaved varieties, here is a chance to produce your own variety.
Dyckia red leaved varieties 3€/20seeds
From my collection of red and purple leaved varieties, here ‘s a chance to produce your own variety.