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Ebenus cretica
Iberis gibraltarica

General Seeds G-K

Fremontodendron californicum

This is my main seed list with perennials, shrubs, trees and annuals. Scroll through the list and also see the General Galleries for pictures.

Listings in green are new or returning for Winter 2025.

Echium onosmifolium
Ferula communis subsp.glauca

General List G-K

​Gaillardia pinnatifida  5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

Much as I love Gaillardia aristata, it is actually not a drought resistant plant where I garden. This is a great alternative, coming from the western USA. Sow in spring and keep the plants in pots for the first summer before establishing them in the garden from autumn on.  Germinates fast without pretreatment. 


Galvezia (Gambelia) juncea  5€/20seeds

A big shrubby species from Baja California this has perforemed excellently in my Mediterranean garden, flowering on and off throughout the dry summer, but really taking off after the first autumn rains. Give it space, it can grow as much as 2m high and wide when fully mature. Germinates fast from a spring sowing.


Galvezia (Gambelia)  speciosa 3.5€/20seeds

The Island Snapdragon is native to the Channel Islands of California and Guadalupe Island of Mexico. It is a tough evergreen shrub for a sunny or semishady situation and it holds its fresh green foliage all throughout the summer without needing summer irrigation. Small red snapdragon flowers adorn the branches for a long period in spring and summer. Sow in spring, no treatment needed.


Garrya flavescens   5€/20seeds


Garrya wrightii  5€/20seeds

Gebionis segetum 3€/30seeds

A useful winter annual species for a meadow, with vivid yellow flowers in spring. Or you can boil the young shoots and eat them if you have too many!


Geissois pruinosa    5,5€/20seeds

A very peculiar tropical shrub or small tree from New Caledonia, belonging to the family Cunoniaceae. Stem born red Callistemon like flowers in mature plants. It has to be grown in a frost free climate.


Genista aetnensis 5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

One of the most beautiful brooms out there, Mt.Etna broom is a small tree turns into a waterfall of yellow flowers in spring. Enjoys summer drought but does well also in wetter conditions.


Genista lucida  6€/20seeds


Genista monosperma     5€/10seeds

A very typical Mediterranean small tree subject, with pendanth grey wiry stems without leaves and covered in white fragrant flowers in late winter and early spring. Extremely drought tolerant. Scarify or put seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.

Geranium peloponnesiacum 4€/10seeds  SOLD OUT

A woodland perennial for half shade, but needing a relatively dry summer rest to stay alive for long. Big blue flowers above apple green palmate leaves. 


Geranium viscosissimum   4€/20seeds


Geum triflorum   4€/20seeds


Gilia tricolor   3€/30seeds

Glaucium flavum 3€/30seeds

The yellow horned poppy that will produce its ephemeral flowers for a long period during spring and summer. Very drought tolerant.

Glaucium hybrids 3€/30seeds

As above, but this will be a mixture of hybrids between red and yellow species, resulting in all shades of colors in between. Self-seeds easily.

Globularia alypum 4€/30seeds

A classic Mediterranean shrub, this might not be the easiest thing to raise from seed (or cuttings) but the blue button like flowers in winter and spring make it most attractive in a summer dry garden.

Globularia salicina 4€/30seeds

Alright, this might not have the great flower impact that other Globularias have, as the small light purple flowers are too small and hidden between the foliage, but after 3 months of dry scorching heat it will have such fresh green foliage as it had forgotten itself in spring! From Macaronesia.

Globularia trichosantha 4€/30seeds

Amazing mat forming species with compact foliage that stays close to the ground and short stems that terminate in blue flowers. Amazingly drought tolerant.


Gossypium thurberi  5€/10seeds   SOLD OUT

The Wild Cotton from Arizona is a medium sized deciduous shrub with palmate leaves and lots of white flowers that turn pink as they age. As its cotton cousin, germnination is easy in spring when the temperatures are warm enough. 


Grayia spinosa   4€/20seeds


Halimodendron halodendron   3.50€/20seeds

Haplopappus glutinosus 3.5€/20seeds

When I first added this to the dry garden, I didn’t had high hopes, but it turned to be a really tough mat forming shrub that enjoys summer drought looking really good. It flowers in spring with yellow daisy like flowers.


Harpephyllum caffrum    3,5€/5seeds

A beautiful small tree from southern Africa countries, called the wild plum because it produces tasty small plum that are edible by people. It is evergreen and can take some drought when established. Soak the seeds in water for a day before sowing.


Hedysarum boreale 3€/20seeds

Commonly known as the Utah sweetvetch, this small perennial will cover itself in bright pink flowers when the plant matures. Beautiful in a rockery, as it enjoys a cool root run. Cold stratification needed for germination.


Helianthella quinquienervis   3.50€/20seeds


Helianthus maximilliani   3.50€/20seeds


Helianthus nuttalii   4€/20seeds

Helichryshum stoechas 3€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

Similar to the above but with green leaves and smaller flowers.


Heracleum spondylium subsp.pyrenaicum   3.50€/20seeds


Helleborus foetidus 3.5€/20seeds

One of the few species of hellebore suitable for a Mediterranean climate (but not only), with green flowers produces 2-3 years after sowing. Self seeds easily in the garden.

Helleborus argutifolius 4€/20seeds

A hellebore for a more Mediterranean climate, this beauty from Corsica and Sardinia will provide evergreen foliage and big lime green flowers in a semi shady spot. Limited, if any, summer water.

Hermannia coccocarpa 4€/20seeds

A south African curiosity, this Malvaceae member has trailing stems that produce for a long time small hanging pink flowers. 


Hermannia saccifera 4€/20seeds

I love all Hermannias but this must be the easiest and most rewarding of all species. Leathery leaves cover the stems of his subshrubby trailing species and the whole plant is covered with yellow lantern like flowers in spring, like small Abutilon flowers! Very easy to grow, very drought tolerant, easy to germinate, and will crete big mats in time. A must for the dry garden.


Hesperaloe funifera  4€/10seeds

It doesn't get better than the Hesperaloes when it comes to a summerdry or desert garden. Thin leathery leaves from which rise huge branching stems (in this species) of white flowers that keep on appearing for several months. An architectural point when fully grown. I like to sow Hesperaloes in early summer, as they love heat to germinate. Use a free draining sandy soil and let soil dry between waterings. They germinate within 10 days usually. Do not overwater when young because they could rot in permanently damp soil. In their second year they can adapt to more watering. 


Hesperaloe parviflora   4€/20seeds  SOLD OUT


Hesperoyucca whipplei  3.5€/10seeds

Anyone who has been in southern California when these are in flower all over the hills and mountains will want to grow them. Urchin like rosettes that grow slowly until one day (after a few years) they decide to transform into a huge flowering yucca like stem with hundreds of creme flowers. Use the same sowing method as for Hesperaloes. I like to sow them in early summer, as they love heat to germinate. Use a free draining sandy soil and let soil dry between waterings. They germinate within 10 days usually. Do not overwater when young because they could rot in permanently damp soil. In their second year they can adapt to more watering. 


Heteromeles arbutifolia 3.50/20 seeds

A most useful shrub or small tree for the dry garden. It will look pleasant and fresh all summer long, with its Arbutus like leaves and upright stature, and in autumn and winter it will be covered with its decorative berries. Perfect for hedges as well.


Heuchera maxima 3.50€/30seeds  SOLD OUT

A drought tolerant Heuchera from California for dry shady situations (although it can take some sun as well), this is one of the giants in the genus with flowering stems rising to more than 50cm high.

Heuchera pulchella 4€/30seeds

A tiny gem for the rock garden, this running (just enough) perennial slowly creates small mats that send out short spikes of pink flowers. Drought tolerant.

Hibiscus trionum 3€/20seeds

Small lemon-yellow Hibiscus flowers with a dark center are born for a long time on this small species as long as it has a bit of summer water.


Holodiscus dumosus 4€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

When I first saw one in flower on a trip to the Sierra mountains in California there was a smile on my face for the whole day. What an incredible shrub! The common name oceanspray is exactly what you get! Waves of white flowers in branched spikes,dancing with the wind. Heat and drought tolerant when established. A long cold stratification is needed for germination.


Horwoodia dicksoniae   7€/5seeds


Huibodria chilensis 4€/20seeds

From the Atacama desert, this peculiar member of the Loasaceae, forms a small, short living shrub with very sticky leaves and white flowers.


Huibodria fruticosa  4€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

Much longer lived than the one above, this forms sturdy shrubs with upright stems covered in silver leaves which provide a great contrast for the white flowers.


Hymenoxys (Tetraneuris) acaulis  4€/20seeds

A lovely small subshrubby perennial with great drought tolerance. From a small mound of dark green leaves rise big yellow daisies.  Easy from seed, start in early spring, no pretreament needed. 


Hymenoxys scaposa 3€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

A beautiful small thing from western US, this has compact green foliage over which yellow daisies are born for a long time in spring and summer. Survives summer without water.


Hyptis emoryi   4€/20seeds


Hyoscyamus albus 3€/20seeds

A poisonous Mediterranean plant - well, don't try to eat it anyways - that has felty leaves and drooping yellow flowers in late spring and summer. Provide good drainage.

Hypericum balearicum 3.5€/20seeds

A small shrub from the Balearic Islands, with tiny golden edges leaves and many yellow flowers in spring. Keep it rounded by trimming. No summer water required.


Hypericum canariense  5€/20seeds

This is the giant amont Hypericums, as it develops into a big shrub to tall tree in its native land, the Canary Islands. Fast growing from seed, sow in spring. Not terribly excited about cold but it will take the few degrees of frost we have in the warmest parts of the Mediterranean.

Hypericum empetrifolium 4€/20seeds

A small shrub from the Mediterranean, with upright stems covered with thyme like leaves and short stems of intenste small yellow flowers in late spring. Very drought tolerant.


Hypericum montbretii 4€/20seeds

A beautiful perennial  Balkan species with a central rootstock from which grow radiating unbranched stems and terminate in big yellow flowers. Quite an architectural plant. It does better with some summer water and is very cold tolerant.

Hypericum triquertifolium 4€/20seeds

Of the few Mediterranean plants that will keep on flowering all summer long without water, because of its underground tuber.

Iberis gibraltarica 3€/20seeds

A light purple/pink small Iberis that doesn’t live for years but it will reseed itself in all the right (and wrong) spots but you’ll have to resist to the idea of letting all the seedling survive.


Idesia polycarpa  4€/20seeds


Ilex canariensis  7€/10seeds


Iliamna bakeri  4.50€/20seeds


Iliamna remota   4.50€/20seeds


Iliamna rivularis 3.50€/20seeds

A relative of Sidalceas from western USA, but this is a much bigger plant. Tall stems with palmate leaves and long spikes of big baby pink flowers. Likes its feet wet, so best in a spot with regular garden watering and some shade. Scarification needed and because seeds are too small, do it by soaking them overnight in near boiling water.

Incarvillea arguta 3.5€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

A herbaceous perennial for a watered position with a long flowering season, I like to grow it as a companion plant for other plants as its stems like to radiate from its base into all different directions. 


Incarvillea olgae   4€/20seeds

Inula verbascifolia 3€/20seeds

Attractive in leaf with its long hairy silver leaves with an added bonus of small yellow flowers in summer. Make sure you through a good bunch of gravel and rocks when you plant it in the garden as it needs sharp drainage.


Ipomoea leptophylla   6€/10seeds


Ipomopsis longiflora 4€/20seeds

Best grown as a biennial in Mediterranean climates, this is a multibranched plant that bears a profusion of white/pink flowers in spring.  Sow in situ directly in autumn.


Ipomopsis rubra  3€/20seeds

The Texas plume or Standing Cypress, is a great winter annual from southern United States that will happily reseed in your garden once established. The upright stems covered with intense red flower for a long period in late spring and summer add an architectural element wherever they are grown. Sown in situ in autumn as it will grow as big as possible if not disturbed withn transplanting. 


Iris spp. - Have a look at the bulb list for all Iris species. 


Isatis tinctoria   3€/20seeds


Isocoma menziesii   4€/20seeds


Ixanthus viscosus  5€/20seeds


Jatropha curcas    4,5€/5seeds

A small tree or large shrub that can grow in the Mediterranean as it can take a few frosty nights but best in the warmest of spots. Germinates fast from seed.


Juniperus drupacea    6€/10seeds

One of the most attractive juniper species native to the eastern Mediterranean. Very drought and cold tolerant. The evergreen foliage is greenish gray and the big blue fruit are most attractive. It requires patience to germinate (please stratify) and even more patience to grow into a small specimen. 

Jurinea consanguinea 4€/20seeds  SOLD OUT

Now here’s a genus that every single member is worth growing. From low feathered foliage rise 2ft high very upright stems that terminate in big thistle like purple flowers in late spring. Needs good drainage and it can be short lived so remember to gather those seeds.

Jurinea mollis 4€/20seeds

Similar to the above but bigger in all parts. Equally worth growing.


Justicia candicans 4€/20seeds

This well mannered upright bush behaves well in either dry conditions or with regular summer irrigation. Forms very upright branches and it can get quite tall so I pinch it back once or twice every summer to reduce the hight and make branch more. The flowering season here is mainly autumn and spring.  Will do well in half shade too!


Keckiella antirrhinoides var.antirrhinoides   4€/20seeds


Keckiella breviflora var.glabrisepala   4.50€/20seeds


Keckiella cordifolia   4€/20seeds


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