General Seed List S
Sambucus mexicana 3.50€/20seeds
Sanguisorba cretica 4€/20seeds
Sannantha virgata 3€/20seeds
Previously being listed under Baeckea virgata, this medium sized evergreen New Caledonian shrub in the Myrtaceae is drought tolerant and will covered in spring with small white or light pink flowers. Similar to more commonly grown Coleonema or Baeckea species from Australia.
Sapium (Triadica) sebiferum 3,5€/10seeds
Despite its noxious weed character in more tropical climates, this small tree is a beautiful small tree in the Euphorbiaceae with attractive green pendant leaves turning a fiery red in autumn. Easy and fast growing from seed.
Saponaria cypria 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
An endemic from high mountains on Cyprus, this small perennial is a rock garden lover due to its small size and the need for good drainage. Big flowers – for such a small plant – that open in the evening and stay open till the next morning. Takes drought well.
Saponaria glutinosa 4€/20seeds
A tall perennial species and very sticky in all its parts, to the point that it can look like an insect cemetery in the garden. Love it!
Sarcopoterium spinosum 4€/20seeds
Iconic shrub of the Mediterranean, very spiny and almost leafless in the summer, but aesthetically it will remind you of your Greek island vacations each time you see it. Very attractive small fruit that turn from green to red to brown as they mature.
Satureja spicigera 3.5€/20seeds
Youll love this mat forming species as it can be used as a ground cover, providing fresh green scented foliage all summer long and covered with white flowers in early autumn. It is best cut back in winter when the new shoots start to emerge.
Satureja thymbra 4€/20seeds
A classic Mediterranean herb, similar in scent to true Oregano, this sometimes substitutes oregano in cooking in areas where true oregano doesn't occur naturally. A good looking small shrub as well, with hundreds of small pink flowers over a long time in spring.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) albocinta 5€/20seeds
Quite the star in the Lomelosia group, this shrub has big obovate dark green leaves and probably the biggest scabiosa flowers on top of its mound in late spring and summer. Germinates best when given some cold stratification in winter.
Scabiosa anthemifolia 3.5€/20seeds
A South African Scabiosa, this will be good in either a watered border or a dry slope as it is very adaptable, but some water in summer will ensure it will flower for a longer time.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) crenata subsp.crenata 3.50€/20seeds
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) crenata subsp. dallaportae 3.50€/20seeds SOLD OUT
There are quite a few really stunning scabiosas in Greece (especially those that were previously placed in the genus Lomelosia) and this is certainly one of them. Forming 5cm tall carpets of dissected leaves that are covered with pink scabious flowers on short stems and followed by attractive seed heads. You want more? It will flower all summer long without water. A must have for xeric gardeners.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) cretica 3€/20seeds
Similar to Scabiosa hymettia with minor leaf and flower differences. But you got to have them all! This sounds like it comes from Crete but it is an Italian native species.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) epirota 5€/20seeds
Found throughout gorges in the Balkans, this shrubby species has green leaves, and produces its purple flowers over a long time in spring through fall, especially if it has additional summer water. Cold tolerant.
Scabiosa farinosa 3.5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Creates a low dense growing shrub with dark green thick foliage above which rise small pink flowerheads.
Scabiosa graminifolia 3.5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A slow growing mat of very silver leaves from which rise upright stems with pink flowers to a height of about 30cm. Compact and beautiful all year round.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) hymettia 3.50€/20seeds
An excellent xeric shrub, this mounding shrubby Scabiosa flowers in late spring and early summer which are followed by very ornamental seed heads that stay on the plant for a long time. Endemic to central Greece.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) minoana shrubby form 3.50/20seeds
Another of the ex Lomelosias, this Cretan species is taller than the above reaching a height of half a meter and spreads quite a bit. The flowering season is centered around late spring. Very drought tolerant.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) minoana mat forming 3.50€/20seeds
Similar in many aspects to the above, but on this variety the stems are trailing and can create extensive mats.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) minoana 'Sheherazade' 5€/20seeds
Scabiosa ochroleuca 3.50€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A long flowering low glaucous leaved perennial with creamy lemon flowers all summer and autumn long. Can take drought.
Scabiosa (Lomelosia) variifolia 3.50€/20seeds
A rare, taller shrubby species with flowers bluerrather than the typical purple of other shrubby Lomelosias, endemic to the Dodecanesse and Crete, this could prove a great ornamental shrub if cultivated.
Schinus fasciculatus 4€/10seeds
Schinus johnstonii 4€/10seeds
Schinus molle 3.50€/20seeds
Schinus patagonicus 4€/10seeds
Schotia brachypetala 3.50€/5seeds
An attractive medium sized tree from South Africa, this is more commonly grown in more tropical climates but it is equally beautiful in protected pockets of the Mediterranean without much frost. Leathery pinnate leaves are attractive year round but it really puts on a show when the red flowers appear among them. Scarify or put seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.
Scirpus maritimus 3€/20seeds
Scirpus tabernaemontana 3€/20seeds
Scrophularia glabrata 4€/30seeds
Scrophularia macrantha 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Scrophularia vernalis 4€/30seeds
Looking more like a vegetable plant, however this is quite ornamental and it does well in shady conditions that are relatively dry in summer.
Scutellaria alpina blue form 3€/20seeds
A small, mat forming perennial with good drought and cold tolerance, adorned with blue flowers in spring or summer, depending on your climate. Suits a rock or gravel garden best.
Scutellaria altissima 3€/20seeds
A small upright perennial that flowers in late spring with cute spikes of blue and white flowers. In time makes good clumps and will self-sow so better in a ‘wild’ garden setting.
Scutellaria cypria 4€/20seeds
A mat forming species with profuse flowering in spring, covered with flowers coloured purple , pink and yellow. An endemic of Cyprus. Very easy to grow and germinate and will reseed itself in a rockery or gravel bed.
Scutellaria orientalis subsp. pinnatifida 4€/20seeds
I’m a sucker for Scutellarias, so I’ve added another three species this year – and hopefully more in the future. This mat forming species is good for screes, rockeries or slopes and will reward you with thousands of yellow flowers in late spring and early summer – or later if you live in a colder climate.
Scutellaria rupestris 3.5€/20seeds
Quite different, this makes a central clump of parsley like leaves that explode in a cloud of stems shooting to all directions and carrying long necked, purple flowers all summer long,
Scutellaria salviifolia 4.5€/20seeds
A small mat forming species from a central rootstock, coming from Turkey, with a profusion of light-yellow flowers in late spring. Will look really precious in the right, well drained, ‘rocky’ position.
Scutellaria resinosa 4€/20seeds
From a central rootstock rise up numerous stems covered with olive green leaves and purple blue flowers. One of the best looking drought tolerant Scutts out there. It has the tendency to 'suddenly die', especially if watered in summer on a hot day. For best results place in a spot where the roots have protection from cooling rocks and leave it without water to go through its summer dormancy.
Scutellaria scordifolia 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A short perennial, that looks great in semi dry garden conditions, preferably in gravel and rock gardens. Slowly spreads to form a mat topped with intense purple flowers for a long time, from spring to autumn.
Scutellaria sieberi 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Rather big for Scutellaria standards, this perennial species from the southern Aegean has big white flowers in late spring and can take semi shady positions in the dry garden better than many other Mediterranean plants. Self-seeds easily so keep an eye on it.
Scutellaria suffrutescens 4€/20seeds
Quite the star of the hardy scuts as the magenta red flowers distinguish it in a sea of blue and purple species. Very long lived and a heavy flowerer.
Senecio (Roldana) petasites 3€/30seeds
Grown equally for its big felted leaves or big inflorescences of yellow daisies, this magnificent perennial does great in a semi shady spot and requires regular water. I like to prune it to the ground after flowering or otherwise it can grow huge.
Senna (Cassia) covesii 3.5€/20seeds
An attractive heat and drought tolerant small shrub from the Sonoran and Mojave deserts, responding to seasonal water in winter or summer to flower, this a generally much 'leafier' Senna compared to other desert species. Soak the seeds in near boiling water for 24 hours before sowing.
Senna cummingii 4€/10seeds
Although most Sennas are known from Australia and tropical Asia, some, such as this species come from Chile and are Mediterranean climate shrubs, flowering in spring. Scarify or soak the seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.
Seseli gummiferum 3.50€/20seeds
A very attractive and architectural Apiaceae that you can grow for the foliage alone. It is monocarpic and will form a small trunk after the 2nd or 3rd year before it decides to flower. Extremely drought tolerant.
Seseli rigidum 3.50€/20seeds
A Balkan species, much smaller than the above, with small ground hugging rosettes of grey leaves and 10-20cm branched flower stems of pink flowers. Great in a rockery.
Shepherdia argentea 5€/20seeds
Sideritis cypria 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
I've never met anybody who has seen this Cypriot shrub and not getting excited. Intense grey big upright leaves make a rounded shrub that shines in the summer light. Very long spikes of small brown/yellow flowers and amazing lime grean bracts, which look out of place on the plant bug make it extremely attractive and a curiosity. Germinates fast from a spring or autumn sowing.
Sideritis laxespicata 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A rather beautiful small shrub with herbaceous stems and tall pikes of yellow flowers surrounded by big bracts that turn golden yellow during summer and prolong the season of interest. Germinates fast in autumn or spring.
Sideritis montana 3.50€/30seeds.
A Balkan and Anatolian species, this behaves as an annual or a short lived shrublet and the show of lime green calyces and bracts in spring make it a perfect backdrop for smaller plants in your xeric border.
Sideritis romana 3€/20seeds
A small annual species with white flowers in late spring and early summer. It self-seeds easily so I let it grow between other shrubs in the dry garden.
Sideritis raeseri ssp.attica 4€/20seeds
Sideritis romana ssp. purpurea 3€/20seeds
Similar to the above but with purple flowers and a more trailing habit.
Sideritis stricta 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Short lived but beatiful species from Turkey, with upright stems dressed with dark green leaves in their lower half and big lime yellow bracts and flowers in their upper half. About half a meter high in full flower. Quite drought tolerant, but unfortunately it doesn't leave more than 3 years in my growing conditions. However it reseeds easily and is easy to germinate. Preferrably sown in autumn.
Sideritis tragoriganum 3€/20seeds
The ´goat oregano´ as the name suggests forms a nice
rounded shrub that gets covered in spring with white and yellow flowers. Likes xeric situations.
Silene armeria mixed colors 3€/20seeds
A nice little annual that establish and reseeds easily. Just let it go wild in your garden.
Silene asterias 3€/20seeds
Quite a different species, this has low foliage but 1m tall rounded flower heads of a magenta /pink color.
Silene chalcedonica 3€/20seeds
Reaching 1m or more in height, this short-lived perennial has heads of intense fire red flowers. Great with ornamental grasses.
Silene fabaria subsp.domocina 4€/20seeds
Silene gigantea 3€/20seeds
The giant of the genus forms beautiful dark green pinwheel rosettes sometimes up to 30cms wide which transform into 1-2m high flowering stems with dropping green flowers. Magical and airy.
Silene maritima 4€/20seeds
A mat forming species with unusually large flowers with inflated calyces. Good for a slope or a rock garden. Limited quantity.
Silene viscaria 3€/20seeds
A well-known smaller species, great for a sunny or semi shady situation with abundant pink flowers in spring.
Silene vulgaris 3€/20seeds
A common plant in the Mediterranean and I wonder why it is not planted in gardens more often, as the white flowers and the inflated calyces that follow, make it attractive over a long period. And if you’re tired of it, just cut the fresh spring shoots and eat them blanched like asparagus, a delicacy in many parts where it grows wild.
Silene zawadskii 3€/20seeds
A nice mat forming species for a rock garden or a gravel area. From a small mat of leathery green leaves rise small stems of oversized white flowers in spring. Very cute. Germinates readily.
Simmondsia chinensis 4€/5seeds.
Despite its specific epithet, this plant does not come from China but from the desert areas of USA and Mexico. You might have heard its common name, jojoba, from the the jojoba oil that is extracted from its seeds. But apart from its use in cosmetics, S.chinensis is a fantastic shrub, able to withstand drought and heat for many months on end. It is slow growing in the beginning but once established it will grow much faster. Olive like leaves cover the plant and stay intact and attractive year round. Big seeds, sow them in spring when the weather warms up adequately. Be careful not to overwater the young seedlings and plants because they can rot.
Sisyrinchium angustifolium 3.5€/20seeds
A classic blue-eyed grass, that is covered with flowers in spring. Doesn’t mind summer drought.
Sisyrinchium californicum 3.50€/20seeds
Smilax aspera 3.50€/20seeds
Smyrnium rotundifolium 3€/20seeds
A big Apiaceae for the dry garden, with an explosion of lime yellow flowers and bracts in the summer. Easily grown but take 2 or 3 years to flower.
Solidago californica 3,5€/20seeds
Probably the most drought tolerant of all Solidagos, this Californian species still performs best with an occasional summer watering but it's the easiest and most rewarding to grow in a Mediterranean climate. Upright stems with yellow flowers in late summmer and autumn.
Sophora arizonica 7€/10seeds
Sophora chathamica 4€/10seeds
(syn. Sophora microphylla var.chathamica)
Known as kowhai in its native New Zealand, this can become a big tree and is native to the north part of the North Island so consequently is a species that likes it a bit warmer compared to others. I've seen it grown in a variety of soils so it should be adaptable. A tree in full bloom is a magnifiscent sight in early spring. Hand scarify or hot water treatment for best germination results.
Sophora godleyii 4€/10seeds
Similar to the above in size, this tree species comes from the central part of the South Island in New Zealand, and is a good candidate for alkaline soils, although not necessarily as it is adaptable. The foliage is more dainty and drooping, creating a nice cascading effect in full growth. Hand scarify or hot water treatment for best germination results.
Sophora longicarinata 4€/10seeds
(syn. Sophora microphylla var.longicarinata)
A limestone loving species, suitable for the Mediterranean basin. Smaller in size and grows as a multitrunked specimen in time. Originates from the north of the South Island in New Zeland. Hand scarify or hot water treatment for best germination results.
Sophora molloyi 4€/10seeds
A smaller shrubby species up to 3 meters in height, that grows in coastal conditions and should be able to withstand sea spray in a coastal garden. . Hand scarify or hot water treatment for best germination results.
Sophora prostrata 4€/10seeds
The dwarf of the New Zealand species, this can be easily grown just for its peculiar twisting branching and tiny leaves apart from the beautiful yellow drooping flowers. I've seen it growing beautifully as a pot specimen as well. Hand scarify or hot water treatment for best germination results.
Sophora secundiflora 5€/20seeds
Once you’ve seen and smelled a Texas mountain laurel, then you’ll definitely try to find and grow one. Pinnate leathery leaves and wisteria like, but shorter, spikes of purple flowers that smell of grapes with lilacs (to me). It takes a while to get them into decent flowering size, maybe 5 years or more, but it’s worth the effort.
Sophora tetraptera 4€/10seeds
Probably the most widely grown of the New Zealand kowhai species, this has bigger leaves in flowers from all other species listed here. Can develop into a bigger tree in time, but flowers quite early so you should be able to enjoy its flowers within a few years from sowing. Hand scarify or hot water treatment for best germination results.
Spartium junceum 3€/20seeds
Sweetly scented yellow flowers on a huge broom (that can be kept short with pruning) on this very drought tolerant leafless shrub.
Sphaeralcea ambigua mixed colors 3.5€/20seeds
A mixture of colors from pinks to oranges, on this tough western US native, that flowers profusely for many months and defies summer heat and drought. Scarification needed and because seeds are too small, do it by soaking them overnight in near boiling water.
Sphaeralcea ambigua orange form 3€/20seeds
Gathered from an orange flowering plant (but you never know what the bees might have been doing). Scarification needed and because seeds are too small, do it by soaking them overnight in near boiling water.
Sphaeralcea parvifolia 5€/20seeds
Sphaeralcea bonariensis 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
I originally collected this species at the side of the road near Salta, Argentina as it striked me with its soft apricot flowers. It seems like it can't decide whether it wants to be upright or sprawling but the overall effect is quite nice. It can take either regular garden contitions but adapts well to a summerdry garden as well. Germinates easily in autumn or spring.
Sphaeralcea emoryi 5€/20seeds
Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia 4.50€/20seeds
Sphaeralcea incana 4€/20seeds
Sphaeralcea moorei 4.50€/20seeds
Sphaeralcea munroana 3€/20seeds
Munro's globemallow, is similar to the above but a clearly orange species with silvery foliage and generally smaller in stature. Scarification needed and because seeds are too small, do it by soaking them overnight in near boiling water.
Sphaeralcea parviflora 4.50€/20seeds
Sphaeralcea rusbyi 5€/20seeds
Stachys canescens 3.50€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Stachys is my passion in Lamiaceae after Salvias so you´ll find here a good selection of species, including quite a few of the Greek endemics. This particular species, endemic of the western Peloponnese, has dark green leaves and spikes of big white flowers. Its
chasmophytic habit indicate that it should have excellent drainage and has indeed perform excellent in my dry garden.
Stachys annua 3€/20seeds
Stachys arvensis 3€/20seeds
Stachys cretica ssp. salviifolia 3€/20seeds
Similar to the above but a much bigger plant with rounder, bigger leaves. Flower stems reach a meter or so.
Stachys ionica 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A species from the Ionian coasts, typically growing as a crevice plant. Small silver rounded leaves on numerous stems and a multitude of light pink or white flowers in summer for a long period. Very drought tolerant. Great for the dry rock garden and loving as much heat as you can give it. Germinates fast.
Stachys mucronata 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A native to Crete and Karpathos in the Aegean, this lethally spiny shrublet is a compact rounded beauty, with dark green leaves and hundeds of white flowers with spiny calyces. Suits a rock garden or gravel bed as it needs perfect drainage. Should be able to take some frost as it comes from relatively high elevation. Sow in autumn.
Stachys parolinii 3.50€/20seeds SOLD OUT
An excellent plant for a semi shady situation, taking irrigation or none if you prefer and forms running clumps topped with lemon yellow flowers in spring. Germinates easily in spring or autumn.
Stachys spinosa 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
I love spiny Mediterranean rounded small shrubs and Stachys spinosa is definitely one of them. It actually looks like it is made up only from spines as the leaves are miniscule, but when the white flowers adorn them, it is rather marvelous! Extremely drought tolerant.
Stachys sipnulosa 3€/30seeds
Stachys swainsonii 4€/20seeds SOLD OUT
A small ground cover, this apple green leaved Greek species has short spikes of big light pink flowers in spring. Great in a crevice or in a gravel garden. Germinates fast.
Stachys thirkei 4€/20seeds
A mat forming species that can forms a uniform groundcover of small fuzzy grey leaves and is topped in spring with short stems of purple flowers.
Stachys viticina 3.50€/20seeds
Probably the tallest in the genus, this biennial giant has nice lamb’s ears foliage with a silver hue the first year and then it explodes in 2-3 meter stems that end in spikes of pink/whitish flowers. Keep it at the back of the border.
Staehelina petiolata 5€/10seeds SOLD OUT
Big leathery leaves cloth the stems of this shrubby Cretan species and the pink thistle like flowers that top them in late spring make it look spectacular. Very drought tolerant.
Stanleya albescens 6€/20seeds
Stanleya pinnata 3.5€/20seeds
Few Brassicaceae species can rival the beauty of the Prince's Plume, native to western USA. A tap rooted perennial, able to cope with heat and drought, producing tall Eremurus like flower spikes with yellow flowers. Takes some time to establish and flower well. Easy from seed, some cold stratification needed.
Stenotus acaulis 4€/20seeds
Stevia viscida 4€/20seeds
For the irrigated garden (or the dry garden in a more northern climate), I originally collected this in Argentina a few years ago. Not as sweetly leafed as its well known cousin, but with attractive pink flowers and fluffy seedheads.
Stipa pennata 3.5€/20seeds
One of the greatest of Mediterranean grasses, as the long-hairedseeds dance in the wind in the summer. Best when backlit.
Strelitzia juncea 5€/5seeds
The Bird of Paradise is a well known architectural plant, mostly known for its exquisite flowers. In this species, the leaves on a mature plant do not have a wide blade but looks like long needles, which sets off an even nicer display for the flowers. Very easy from seed but requires patience thereafter before it flowers. Sow when the weather is warm enough in late spring and summer.
Strelitzia reginea 'Mandela's Gold' 7€/5seeds
A very sought after yellow flowering variety of the commonly grown orange Bird of Paradise flower. Sow when the weather is warm enough in late spring and summer.
Streptanthus farnsworthianus 5€/20seeds SOLD OUT
Although the individual flowers on this California native winter annual aren't showy, the big purple leaf like bracts that surround them make the plant looking remarkable when in full flower. Sow in situ in autumn for a great spring show.
Styrax officinalis 5€/20seeds
A Mediterranean native shrub or small tree suitable for sunny or half shady situations. Looks great in s pring when the dangling white flowers adorn it's branches.
Sutherlandia frutescens 4€/10seeds
A Fabaceae shrub from South Africa with upright stems of greyish olive green pinnate leaves and the most attractive orange flowers in spring. Very drought tolerant. Scarify or put seeds in warm water overnight before sowing.