Welcome to my new bulb/plant list! Scroll to the end for ordering instructions.​
Orders from this list are within the European Union only.
This winter I am offering a selection of not commonly offered plants, from bulbs and rhizomes, to gingers, orchids, bromeliads, cauciciforms, succulents and cacti, listed by category below. They should all be hardy plants in a Mediterranean coastal climate, but hardiness in some is not guaranteed for more inland climates or northern Europe, so appropriate protection should be taken during winter months in such a climate. Living in a warm mild climate myself I have no experience with how cold hardy these might be so look them up in the web if you wish to find more information. Also, many are summer growers, so even in a Mediterranean climate they will need protection from excessive winter wet. It's too elaborate to give you sizes for each indivicual species, but I guarantee these are all decent sized plants and most are grown in 1.4lt pots (and quite a few of them in bigger). They will all be shipped bareroot and some will have to be pruned in order to fit in a box. If you order from a colder climate, pay attention to timing your order according to your weather forecast, as hard frost will not be ideal for shipping them. Lastly, these are all very differrent plants, requiring differrent soil and cultivation so do your research online before ordering as there is no general rule that I can provide you with. Many are in limited quantity, so first come first served! Enjoy!
***shipping cost will range according to box weight. Once you've emailed me your order (use the 'Order and Cotact' page on this website or email me at eldaebay@yahoo.com) and I will give you an estimate, but the very exact cost will not be known until the time of shipping. To give you an idea, boxes 0.1-0.5kg cost 15€, 0.5-1kg cost 20€ and 1-2kg cost 30€ and so on.
Albuca sp. Spring Valley --------8€ for 1 bulb
Albuca tortuosa 'Thraskey'--------8€ for 1 bulb
Amorphophallus asterostigmatus--------12€ for 1 bulb
Amorphophallus atroviridis--------16€ for 1 bulb
Amorphophallus paeoniflorus--------27€ for 1 very large bulb
Cypella herbertii--------10€ for 1 small clump (1-2 bulbs) SOLD OUT
Cyrtanthus falcatus--------23€ for 1 bulb
Cyrtanthus elatus x montanus x falcatus--------12€ for 1 bulb
Drimia maculata spotted form--------9€ for 3 bulbs
Echeandia chandleri Sierra Chiquita--------10€ for 1 rhizome
Echeandia texensis --------10€ for 1 rhizome
Eleutherine americana--------6€ for 1 bulb
Eucrosia bicolor--------7€ for 1 bulb or 18 for 3 bubls
Gynura pseudochina--------7€ for 1 tuber
Hippeastrum reticulatum--------10€ for 1 bulb
Hypoxis angustifolia--------7€ for 1 bulb
Hypoxis membranacea--------7€ for 1 clump of many bulbs
Ledebouria 'Garry Hamer'--------12€ for 1 clump of bulbs
Ledebouria sp. Spring Valley B11230--------8€ for 1 clump of bulbs
Merwilla plumbea--------12€ for 1 bulb (a year or two before flowering)
Ornithogalum caudatum (longibracteatum) --------5€ for 1 bulb
Proiphys amboinensis--------7€ for 1 bulb or 18€ for 3 bulbs
Scadoxus multiflorus--------10€ for 1 big bulb
Eulophia euglossa--------14€ for 1 pseudobulb
Eulophia graminea--------10€ for 1 pseudobulb
Eulophia macrobulbon--------12€ for 1 pseudobulb
Geocaryum recurvum--------12€ for 1 pseudobulb
Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata'--------10€ for 1 rhizome
Curcuma aeruginosa--------9€ for 1 rhizome
Curcuma aromatica--------15€ for 1 rhizome
Curcuma phrayawan--------18€ for 1 rhizome
Curcuma pierreana--------14€ for 1 rhizome
Curcuma rubrobracteata--------14€ for 1 rhizome
Globba winnitii pink--------7€ for 1 rhizome
Globba winnitii white--------7€ for 1 rhizome
Hedychium 'Pink V'--------10€ for 1 rhizome
Kaempferia elegans--------12€ for 1 rhizome
Kaempferia marginata-------10€ for 1 rhizome
Kaempferia parviflora--------12€ for 1 rhizome
Kaempferia rotunda long leaved form--------12€ for 1 rhizome
Zingiber montanum--------10€ for 1 rhizome
Brachystelma spectabilis--------20€ for 1 caudex
Stephania erecta--------15€ for 1 caudex
Stephania kaweesakii--------28€ for 1 caudex
Stephania suberosa--------23€ for 1 caudex
Stephania venosa--------20€ for 1 caudex
Sterculia colorata--------25€ for 1 caudex
Agave bracteosa--------12€ for 1 plant
Agave 'Dragon Toes'--------12€ for 1 plant
Agave lophantha 'Quadricolor'--------14€ for 1 plant
Agave desmettiana 'Quicksilver'--------20€ for 1 plant
Aloe 'Safari Orange'--------15€ for 1 plant
Aloe 'Safari Rose'--------15€ for 1 plant
Aloe San Marcos small white--------14€ for 1 plant
Bulbine narcissifolia--------10€ for 1 plant
Callisia navicularis--------8€ for 1 plant
Euphorbia antissiphylitica--------17€ for 1 plant
Euphorbia xantii--------16€ for 1 plant
Fouquieria splendens--------30€ for 1 plant (30cm, single stemmed)
Hesperaloe funifera--------12€ for 1 plant
Hesperaloe parviflora--------10€ for 1 plant
Kalanchoe grandiflora--------15€ for 1 plant
Kalanchoe laxiflora--------9€ for 1 plant
Kalanchoe manginii--------9€ for 1 plant
Kalanchoe pumila--------9€ for 1 plant
Manfreda longifolia--------10€ for 1 plant SOLD OUT
Manfreda maculosa spotted form--------12€ for 1 plant
Mangave 'Arctic Fox'--------24€ for 1 plant
Mangave 'Jaguar'--------10€ for 1 plant
Mangave 'Macho Mocha'--------10€ for 1 plant
(email me for more mangaves)
Pedilanthus macrocarpus--------15€ for 1 plant
Yucca baccata--------10€ for 1 plant
Aechmea recurvata 'Big Momma'--------20€ for 1 plant
Aechmea recurvata var.benrathii'--------16€ for 1 plant
Billbergia x windii--------8€ for 1 plant
x Cryptobergia rubra--------9€ for 1 plant
Dyckia choristaminea 'Frazzle Dazzle'--------18€ for 1 plant
Dyckia 'Naked Lady'--------25€ for 1 plant
Dyckia platyphylla purple leaved form--------22€ for 1 plant
Dyckia 'Silver Supestar' --------22€ for 1 plant
Puya spathacea--------20€ for 1 plant
Puya venusta albino--------20€ for 1 plant
Puya venusta x alpestris 30€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia 'Bob Brown'--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia comminsii x violacea--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia 'Cosmic'--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia 'Enya'--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia fragrans white form--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia 'Hazel'--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia leucantha orange form--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia leucantha Suttons form--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia ludwigiana--------16€ for 1 plant SOLD OUT
Tulbaghia 'Purple Eye'--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia violacea 'Pallida'--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia violacea 'Peppermint Garlic'--------8€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia violacea 'Purple Ribbon'--------12€ for 1 plant
Tulbaghia violacea var.maritima--------8€ for 1 plant
Echinocereus subinermis--------6€ for 1 plant
Echinopsis 'Brunhild'--------7€ for 1 plant
Echinopsis 'MaasGeld'--------7€ for 1 plant
Echinopsis 'Pomalka'--------7€ for 1 plant
Echinopsis 'Rhengold'--------7€ for 1 plant
Echinopsis 'Salmon Queen'--------7€ for 1 plant
Echinopsis 'Siegfried'--------7€ for 1 plant
Ehinocereus triglochidiatus subsp.mohavensis--------8€ for 1 plant
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii red/green split variegated--------10€ for 1 plant
Maihuenia poepigii--------6€ for 1 plant SOLD OUT
Mammillaria longimamma--------6€ for 1 plant
Rebutia christinae--------6€ for 1 plant
Rebutia heliosa condorensis--------6€ for 1 plant
Rebutia mudanensis--------6€ for 1 plant
Rebutia pseudominiscula--------6€ for 1 plant
Thelocactus setispinus--------7€ for 1 plant
Habranthus 'Komoriya Giant'--------14€ for 1 bulb SOLD OUT
Habranthus martinezii--------9€ for 3 bulbs
Habranthus 'Pink Flamingo'--------7€ for 3 bulbs
Habranthus robustus--------8€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Habranthus tubispathus--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Habranthus x floryi green base--------8€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Habranthus x floryi purple base--------12€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Habranthus x floryi 'Major'--------8€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes 'Aquarius'--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes 'Bangkok Yellow'--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes 'Batik'--------9€ for 1 bulb
Zephyranthes 'Bayberry Bells'--------8€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes candida--------5€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes candida 'Major'--------7€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes drummondii--------8€ for 1 bulb
Zephyranthes 'El Cielo'--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes 'El Cielo' x 'Big Dude'--------8€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes 'First Love'--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes 'Grandjax'--------6€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes jonesii--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes 'Krakatau'--------10€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes morrisclintii 'Redneck Romance'--------10€ for 1 bulb
Zephyranthes 'Pink Comet'--------7€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes 'Prairie Sunset'--------6€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes traubii--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes 'Yolkster'--------9€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Aperitif'-------- 8€ for 1 bulb
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa 'Confection'--------8€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Cookie Cutter Moon'--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Floating Clouds'--------12€ for 1 bulb SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Heart Throb'--------10€ for 3 bulbs SOLD
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Itsy Bitsy'--------8€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Lily Pies'--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Pink Panther'--------8€ for 3 bulbs
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Snow'--------12€ for 3 bulbs SOLD OUT
Zephyranthes La Bufa Rosa Group 'Summer Ice'--------10€ for 3 bulbs
Aphyllanthes monspeliensis --------8€ for 1 plant
Aspidistra 'YellowHammer'--------25€ for 1 plant
Aspidistra 'Milky Way'--------10€ for 1 plant
Clivia miniata orange form--------8€ for 1 seed raised plant, flowering size
Cycas siamensis--------30€ for 1 dormant plant - 15cm long stem
Iris spuria wild form -------- 7€ for 1 plant
Iris tectorum 'Alba' ----------- 7€ for 1 plant
Iris unguicularis large flowered form--------8€ for 1 plant
Macrozamia communis seedlings--------10€ for 1 seedling
(These are freshly germinated seedlings with one leaf each)
Will they flower the first year? Most of what is listed here are flowering sized bulbs and will flower the first year they're planted, unless otherwise specified. That is if they are grown well and have their needs met. If you're buying those indicated as younger bulbs that means they most likely will require a year or more of growing before they come into flower.
Are the plants I have true to name? I try to keep the naming in my collection correct. There will be a case or two where I have been mistaken, please notify me if something like this happens. Remember that many of the bulbs in my list I propagate from seed and since my collection is quite extensive with many species of each genus, there is the rare occasion that a hybrid might be produced. And this could be either exciting or disappointing, depending on how you want to see it. If for whatever case you are disappointed to do not hesitate to contact me.
How to order? That is quite simple. You make a list of what you want and send it either the the form on my Order and Contact page or by email to eldaebay@yahoo.com and don't forget your shipping address!. I'll get back to you as soon as possible with bulb availability for your order and then you can send your payment through Paypal (eldaebay@yahoo.com) or use my Paypal.me page . Other payment options are available, please ask. Please bear with me if I don't reply right away, I'm one person alone involved in dozens of projects and also grow and collect all of my plants by myself, so being above a computer and replying right away is not possible in most cases.
Orders usually take 5-7 working days to reach destinations within Europe. Of course, in a worldwide shipping network, delays and problems could arise, so please cooperate and let me know if there is any problem with your order and I will do my best to solve it.